Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Give Poop… I mean Bio Solids a Chance!

Fresh farm vegetables... yum! Did you know that bio solids help
farmers hundreds of dollars a year? They are a safe and cost
effective way of growing the veggies you love!
         Bio solids; kind of gross right? Maybe a little bit but we need to get over it because they are a really feasible and valid option for the future! First, learn about the facts and then decide…

What are these weird things called bio solids and where do they come from?
Bio solids are the new and improved version of sewage sludge. Water waste treatment facilities cleans our dirty water, didn’t you ever wonder where you sink led too? Once cleaned the water goes off but the waste, well the facility have thousands of tonnes of it left over, it and that is sewage sludge. Now, bio solids are sewage sludge that goes through multiple tests, processes, and places to remove harmful pathogens and substances in them.

That sounds gross, what are they made of?
In general, bio solids are made up of well… the waste found in the water that has been solidified by careful processes. As you can imagine, there’s some human waste, some left over’s from last night’s dinner, phosphorus, sulphur, organic nitrogen, a little bit of zinc, copper, and iron. It is kind of cool to think that each city’s bio solid is like their own fingerprint because no one city’s water has exactly what the other does in their water!

Take a look at the steps of which sewage sludge is turned into bio solids and how they are then used! It is pretty cool and also very informative and shows how bio solids are carefully processed and therefore safe.

So you have just convinced me they are really gross! How are they good in any way?
Trust me; they are surprisingly useful, good for the environment, safe, and cost effective! Let’s take a closer look:
This is what bio solids look like after they have been treated and approved safe.
They are extremely useful for so many things!
Agriculture Industry
Ø     Nutrients found in bio solids are necessary for crop production and growth.
Ø     The organic matter renders soil more sustainable and with a greater capacity for water retention.
Ø     STATISTIC from U.S. Environmental Protection Agency “About half of the bio solids generated in the United States is beneficially recycled. Biosolids provide farmers with about $100 per acre worth of organic fertilizer.”
Forestry Industry
Ø     Nutrients in bio solids make the soil richer and therefore the growth of trees and other plant species is enhanced.
Ø     Bio solids are cheaper, efficient, and help the growth of an important resource that is a big money maker.
Mining Industry
Ø     Bio solids have been found to successfully change old mine sites into useless pieces of land into land where vegetation is able to grow.
Ø     This has to do with the fact that they are able to regenerate layers of soil and almost neutralize the harmful substances found in the old soil with their organic and inorganic materials.

One more major positive that comes from the use of bio solids is the fact that instead of taking up space in land fills and other disposal facilities, it is being put to good use!

Bio solids are used on selected pieces of land and there is a
careful process that must be followed for the location to be
selected. This is just an example of one saftey precaution
taken to make sure bio solids are used properly!

Now, that is the good side of things, all of the pros. The next few points I’m going to discuss are cons which make things look a little darker but don’t say no to bio solids yet! Bio solids can be dangerous and there is no denying that but only when they are not monitored properly. There are infections that can spread to humans, wildlife, and the environment, there is a certain odour to them, and it is a very knew concept so there may be things we don’t know about the effects of this yet. Honestly though, there are dangers to everything if they are misused but the government has very strict protocol and monitoring of the use of bio solids so really….

Give poop... I mean bio solids a chance!

Works Cited
"Biosolids.com | About Biosolids: Biosolids Benefits." _. Web. 31 May 2011. <http://www.biosolids.com/benefits.html>.
"CCME: Biosolids." CCME : Home : Début Écran. Web. 31 May 2011. <http://www.ccme.ca/ourwork/waste.html?category_id=137>.
City of Greater Sudbury. Web. 31 May 2011. <http://www.greatersudbury.ca/cms/index.cfm?app=home_cgs>.
"CWWA - FAQ - Biosolids." CWWA/ACEPU. Web. 31 May 2011. <http://www.cwwa.ca/faqbiosolids_e.asp>.
"Frequently Asked Questions | Sewage Sludge (Biosolids) | US EPA." Index | Water | US EPA. Web. 31 May 2011. <http://water.epa.gov/polwaste/wastewater/treatment/biosolids/genqa.cfm>.
"Home | Biosolids | About Biosolids." Water Environment Federation: The Water Quality People. Web. 31 May 2011. <http://www.wef.org/Biosolids/page.aspx?id=7513>.
Janssen, Don. "What Are Biosolids?" University of Nebraska–Lincoln Extension in Lancaster County. Web. 31 May 2011. <http://lancaster.unl.edu/enviro/biosolids/whatare1.shtml>.
"Sludge, Sludge Treatment, Sludge Disposal, Sewage, Australian New Zealand Biosolids." Australian and New Zealand Biosolids Partnership. Web. 31 May 2011. <http://www.biosolids.com.au/what-are-biosolids.php>.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

The Price of Lazy Living and the Medical World’s Response…

Our lazy lifestyle is causing some big issues...

Let us be honest with ourselves, the lifestyle choices that we, as a society has made in the last twenty years our definitely not the smartest ones. Two prominent health problems we face today are

  1. Colon cancer, which is linked to a bad diet and inactivity;
  2. Multiple sclerosis which has tripled in woman over the last decade;
It has been a constant struggle in the medical world to keep up with the increasing health issues of our population that have arisen.

“A new study serves as good evidence that a western diet can more than double the risk of colon cancer.” (Boyles, Colon Cancer Linked to Pork/Beef) Yep, that sounds really scary and even more so when this study explains that those who ate lots of red meat were 2.5 times more likely to develop colorectal cancer. It is not just our diet though, researchers estimated the rate of colorectal cancer will increase by 50% by 2040 (BBC, Colon Cancer May Rise 50%). Now, what can we do? First of all get off our butts and get active, eat healthier less processed foods and be aware. The medical community has started an intense campaign to encourage everyone to get regular colonoscopies. A colonoscopy cannot be described as the most pleasant thing but it could save your life since 90% of cases if caught early are treatable. If you watch any Canadian TV you have seen the (what I call) “invisible people” commercials; they advertise the need for colonoscopies. Check it out here if you don’t watch any Canadian TV, which is sad but common.

Colorectal cancer awareness is so incredibly imporant because of the fact that if caught early enough, 90% of cases are treatable and to catch it people must get colonoscopies! It could save thousands of lives.

This procedure is being pushed so hard now because of the increase in colorectal cancer and it is the medical community’s way of trying to protect us from ourselves!

More adds stressing the importance of colonoscopies, they save lives and whether they are pleasent or not, they are vital. Just because a baby does not like having it's medicine we still force them to have it because it helps them... same thing here!

 This next case is more of a mystery because doctors still cannot figure out the causes of this debilitating illness. Multiple Sclerosis has more than doubled over the last twenty years in women and whether it is lifestyle, genetics, environment or something else it is vital for something to be done (Petrun, MS, On the Rise). A very promising study though has brought new hope to MS patients and families everywhere! One of the results thought to be from MS are the narrowing of blood vessels in the neck, this means less blood going to the brain and obviously this impairs the brains ability to make the body work properly. The procedure is pioneered by Dr. Paolo Zamboni and it inserts a tiny tube into neck veins and widens them with the goal to get more blood flowing through them and therefore improving the symptoms of MS patients. There has been major funding issues, especially in Canada and I think it is terrible that something that could help so many people is not being supported.

Dr. Paolo Zamboni, the pioneer of the vien therapy treatment for MS patients.

This is a simplified explanation of the procedure. The tube is inserted into the vien, it is then inflated to widen the vien and hopefully the last image is the widened vien which blood flows freely through.
In the words of the Alberta Health Minister Gene Zwozdesky, "I don't think that we should ever take away hope that there might be something new out there that works."
Take a stand. There are people, loved ones, suffering who need our help and we must do what we can do provide it. Whether that is informing people through high school biology blogs, putting ads on the TV, or taking part in activities to promote awareness; we must step up and make our voices heard!
I commented on these two Bio Blogs:   http://caitlincosgrovebioblog.blogspot.com/2011/03/importance-of-various-technologies.html and http://bioblogstuff.blogspot.com/2011/03/its-wonderful-life-thanks-to-technology.html

Works Cited
"BBC News - Colon Cancer Cases 'may Rise 50%'" BBC - Homepage. Web. 04 May 2011. <http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-11264372>.
"Colon Cancer Rise Linked to Beef, Pork." WebMD - Better Information. Better Health. Web. 04 May 2011. <http://www.webmd.com/colorectal-cancer/news/20021115/colon-cancer-rise-linked-to-beef-pork>.
News, Cbc. "MS Vein Therapy Study Still a Go: Zwozdesky - Calgary - CBC News." CBC.ca - Canadian News Sports Entertainment Kids Docs Radio TV. Web. 04 May 2011. <http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/calgary/story/2011/04/14/edmonton-ms-vein-therapy-alberta-study-zwozdesky.html>.
Size, Font. "MS, On The Rise - Up To The Minute - CBS News." Breaking News Headlines: Business, Entertainment & World News - CBS News. Web. 04 May 2011. <http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2007/04/27/uttm/main2734068.shtml>.
"Use of Virtual Colonoscopy on the Rise in U.S. Hospitals." Home. Web. 04 May 2011. <http://www.wmbb.com/Global/story.asp?S=14162299>.
"Vein-opening Treatment Safe for Multiple Sclerosis Patients, Say Researchers." Science Daily: News & Articles in Science, Health, Environment & Technology. Web. 04 May 2011. <http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2011/03/110328092411.htm>.
"YouTube - Colorectal Cancer : Get the Facts - Ad." YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. Web. 04 May 2011. <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sAT_VnY6gME>.